Peach Shrub + Poole China
“What on earth is Jude talking about” ? I hear you ask… well a shrub is kinda like an old fashioned cordial, only it’s vinegar
“What on earth is Jude talking about” ? I hear you ask… well a shrub is kinda like an old fashioned cordial, only it’s vinegar
Why cake ? Because joy and deliciousness are nutrients in their own right, as our love and beauty. With the cooler weather, the cakes I
Hello !!! Are you as busy as I am right now, finishing off jobs before Christmas (for me that is putting the new book to
There are an awful lot of hyped up conversations about sugar going on and sugar free is in, big time – another book, another movie,
As you can see, I like a bit of scone with my butter, and it seems that many of you do too, if the facebook
HELLO 2012, I’M NEARLY READY TO DIVE IN Nearly ready, but not quite. Still re- connecting mind and soul, not wanting to make any decisions